Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Agriculture and Life Sciences (funded by Kansas State University)

Applications are now closed

About the Award

The Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Agriculture and Life Sciences (funded by Kansas State University) is awarded to exceptional Australian professors to carry out research at Kansas State University (K-State) in the United States.

Selected scholars will work with K-State faculty in priority research areas that lead to ongoing collaborative partnerships between Australia and K-State – partnerships which develop skills and capabilities in Agricultural and Life Sciences and which result in a stronger bilateral relationship between Australia and the United States.

Awardees will be expected to contribute to guest lectures and seminars at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate levels and will conduct a public lecture tour across a variety of institutions whilst in-country.

Available awards:
  • 5-6 month program
Available disciplines:
  • Agriculture
  • Human Ecology
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Biology
  • Biochemistry

Academics whose host is outside these areas might also be eligible depending on the research project being proposed.  For example, working on biofuels in an engineering department, water issues in an engineering or geography department, or agricultural policy with a counterpart in the School of Leadership Studies or departments such as Politics and Economics could potentially be eligible.


Award Benefits

  • Monthly stipend for 5-6 months for an individual based on the current approved MMR.
  • Partial tuition allowance (subject to funding availability, specified at time of offer)
  • Round-trip, economy class airfare directly to and from the scholar’s home city and the city of the host institution (capped at AUD$4,000).
  • Settling-in allowance.
  • A limited Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges (ASPE) Health Benefits Plan, designed by the U.S. Department of State and administered by Seven Corners, Inc. Please note this plan is NOT an insurance policy.
  • Orientation and networking opportunities.
  • Support from the Commission prior to and during program.
  • Domestic conference travel allowance to enable a lecture tour.
  • Accommodation allowance.


About the Funder

Kansas State University

For further information on this scholarship and to obtain a Letter of Invitation to Kansas State University, please contact Professor John Leslie, Head of Kansas State Plant Pathology Department. For more information on Kansas State’s research strengths please visit the Kansas State University website.